Customer Services Management
Our Customer Satisfaction Principles
Our customers are always our first priority. To offer you a better service, our Call Center listens to and evaluates your complaints and suggestions between 07.00 - 24.00 hours 7 days a week. You can also reach us easily at , our mobile application and social media channels, and communicate your views and demands.
Monitoring Customer Feedbacks
All complaints and demands communicated to us by our customers, every step in the solution process and the outcome are monitored through the CRM system. Our customers can learn about the status of their applications from our Customer Services.
In line with our customer satisfaction policy, we aim to answer every issue communicated to us as soon as possible in order to produce quick solutions and achieve a happy customer perception.
Management Process
Each and every application received by our Customer Representatives is recorded and evaluated. Issues that can be resolved during the first conversation are immediately solved by informing the applicant.
Requests and complaints that need to investigated are conveyed to specialized units for an objective evaluation. Solutions are achieved through efforts of both field and department managers with a focus on customer satisfaction.
Our customers are informed by the phone in relation to complaints resolved.
Continuous Improvement Always For A Better Service
Committed to becoming the most reliable and the most preferred fuel distribution company of the sector that continuously trains and inspects its personnel, our company deems every complaint an opportunity to improve and develop our products and services.
All complaints are evaluated under the relevant subjects, and rates of increase and decrease in complaints are continuously monitored.
Customer Information Line
444 22 98