LPG Filling StationsAytemiz continues its activities with 11 refilling points in all regions of Turkey, and storage and filling stations located in Mersin, Izmit, Kirikkale and Trabzon with 115.000 m3 storage capacity. FILLING LOCATIONADDRESSPHONE NUMBERKÖRFEZ/KOCAELİKABAKOZ MEVKİİ TÜPRAŞ YANI KÖRFEZ/KOCAELİ0 262 526 32 06KIRIKKALEHACILAR MEVKİİ TÜPRAŞ KIRIKKALE RAFİNERİSİ YANI KIRIKKALE0 318 266 92 77 TRABZONKUZGUNCUK MAH.SANTA CAD.NO:68 YEŞİLYALI ARSİN/TRABZON0 462 717 63 87 - 88 - 89ERZİNCANTÜRKMENOĞLU KÖYÜ AŞAĞIYAZI MEVKİİ MERKEZ/ERZİNCAN0 446 243 81 74Dangerous Goods GuideTrabzon Terminal - Dangerous Goods GuideAlanya Terminal - Dangerous Goods Guide