Aytemiz Mobil Uygulaması İndirin İNDİR


Human Resources Policy

As Aytemiz, we expect all our personnel to act in line with our Human Resources Policy. The primary goal of our company is to become a company whose employees are proud to be a part of by providing its employees a happy and peaceful working environment.

As a company, we are aware that sustainable growth is only achievable with the contribution of our employees and for that reason, we aim to grow our company with fast and responsible colleagues who are able to think strategically.

Human Resources aim to;

1. Provide the proper environment for employees to develop personally and vocationally,
2. Provide the working environment necessary for sustainable development,
3. Consider personal differences as human resource richness and display fair attitude in accordance with our ethical values,
4. Evaluate the performance of employees by measuring them with objective criteria,
5. Provide equality of opportunity in the training and developing of employees,
6. Provide a working environment where ethical values and general behavior rules are practiced and the balance between private and business life is regarded,
7. Award high performance, give accurate and constructive feedback regarding performances lower than expected and support their improvement,
8. Develop approaches that will improve the motivation and loyalty of employees.

Human resources try to create and popularize a responsible, participative culture in which ethical values are overseen, team spirit is prioritized and creativity is valued.

High corporate loyalty among employees and the embracement of corporate cultural elements by everyone is of great importance. While loyalty to the corporate and corporate culture is always prioritized, our primary goal in human resources is to get our employees to be proud of the success of the company as they are with their own.

All employees of our company have equal rights. We regard attributes of our employees such as nationality, belief, ethnic origin, gender, disability, political view and age difference as human resource richness. Our employees are not evaluated based on their personal differences.

After the trainings, the results will be evaluated and work on a second training project with the identification of training subjects the personnel need. This way Aytemiz personnel training will be continuous.